Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Bandwagon

I came across this interesting little background about the term bandwagon, which we all learned in class as a form of persuasion. I'm not really sure how true it is, but if it is true, it's kind of interesting... so I thought I'd share it. I found it on the website, Which kind of makes it sound like it wouldn't be true... Anyways it basically said that the term bandwagon comes from past political campaigns when candidates would ride through town on the bandwagons and in order to show support people would "jump on the bandwagon." We all know that these days the term refers to a form of persuasion that basically tells people, "Everybody's doing it." Anyways just thought I'd share that, if anyone happens to know if it's actually true or not please do tell.
Here's the link to the article Bandwagon Fallacy.

I also found an interesting video on youtube about the Obama bandwagon, which was pretty prominent in the recent election. Here's the link if you want to check it out: Obama Bandwagon

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kmags12 said...
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