Sunday, November 23, 2008

Going Green.

Oprah's doing it!!

Since "going green" is an increasing trend these days I just thought I'd talk a little bit about it. We all know what it means and I'm sure we all think it's a great idea. What I'm wondering is, is it possible? There's tons of media coverage on it, there's internet sites dedicated to it, it's talked about on hit tv shows, and there's lots of celebrities supporting it. But for most of us, can we even afford it? Saving the environment is expensive. I mean really, I do my part the best I can, I recycle, I use the energy efficient light bulbs, and I turn off the water when I'm not using it. But what else can I do? I can't afford to buy an electric car, or even a hybrid for that matter. I ask people to recycle and not to litter. I do my best at spreading the word, but even if everyone does this will it really make a difference? Think about it this way, how can I personally help the United States' dependence on crude oil? I can't not drive my car, I can't make other people not drive theirs. As individuals I just don't get what we are supposed to do? Sure we can try and spread the awareness, but like I said what is this going to do? I mean I guess the MN clean air act did just pass, so maybe people are getting the point to a certain extent. I just feel like there's not that much we can do other than rely on our politicians to get the job done for us. Don't get me wrong I'd love to feel like I'm making a difference by not filling up the landfills as quickly, but really, how big of an impact am I actually making?


Brittany E said...

I think that it's really important to realize that the "small" amount that you are doing is already making a difference. Keeping recycling containers and changing out lightbulbs are really simple ways to make a large impact over time. It's also important to note that although some methods of going green are really expensive, like rebuilding your house with green products or buying an electric car, some can be really simple and save you a lot of money. Opening your windows to get fresh air in the summer instead of running the air conditioning at high or walking a bit to the store every once in a while instead of automatically jumping in the car.
One site that I found helpful in... encouraging my parents to make small changes in our green impact is I hope it can prove helpful to others too.

S said...

On one hand, I'm all for it and really think that even small steps are good steps. So I can approve of that.

On the other, though, I think "green" is as much a fad and fashion statement as it is anything. It's "in" to be a tree-hugging planet lover, so more people are preaching it, whether or no they practice it.

A. Nguyen said...

I agree with Sarah, I definitely think everyone going green is just the cool thing to do right now. The other day I was youtubing it out and Miley Cyrus made a video talking about how everyone should go green but in her video you could see like a million lights on in her room and a bunch of crumpled up paper in garbage... people should practice what they preach.